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Miscarried the day before Halloween

by Carli

Chris and I had been trying to conceive our first child for 8 months with no luck.  I finally gave up the hope that we would conceive and much to my surprise my period was late, which it never is.  So I tested and got a very faint positive. I could barely see it.  I went and bought a few more tests and they were all positive, just really faint. I was over moon with excitement, we told everyone!

About 4 days later I got a really bad pain on my right side, so I went to the emergency room.  They did a blood test and at that point I should have been 5 weeks along.  My HCG level was only 76, really low for being 5 weeks. The doctor told me it was probably an early pregnancy and I wasn't as far along as I had thought or maybe an ectopic. They couldn’t see the baby with an ultrasound.  They told me to see my OB/GYN the next day.

 I went in to see him the following day and he basically told me that my levels were so low and the pregnancy probably was going to make it to term. He told me to expect to start bleeding in about a week, but he wanted to blood work in a week anyways. If my levels were still low and I didn't start bleeding he might have to terminate it.  I was CRUSHED!

I left and saw my family doctor a few days later, I asked him to do me a favor and do blood work so that I could see if my levels were going up or not.  He did and my levels to my surprise went up to 143.  I held on hope. Then that Sunday I started spotting without pain. I held off for my Ob/GYN appointment the following day and just relaxed. 

Well the next day when I woke up I started bleeding really bad. I went to see my OB/GYN and he said at that point that I was miscarrying and my levels had dropped to 38.  I couldn’t believe we had lost our baby at 6 weeks pregnant.  I miscarried the day before Halloween of this year!